First we have to configure the HPDP Backup Specification
1.Login HP Data Protector
2. Create the Backup Specification
3. Source – Select the Server, Folder where the SQL Server Database are backed up
Destination – Select the Tape Media Library to which the DB Flat files from disk to be baked up
Options -- Provide the Description details and the Protection like 6 Weeks
Schedule – Skip it
Click Apply and generate the Backup Specification.
Use this Backup Specification name on calling the HPDP Backup using
Create the DOS Batch files below
For Full Backup – It can be used weekly when we backup FULL databases
c: cd\Program Files\OmniBack\bin omnib -datalist Win-SQL-FS-OnDemand -mode Full -load high |
For Incremental Backup – It can be used daily when we take differential backup of databases
c: cd\Program Files\OmniBack\bin omnib -datalist Win-SQL-FS-OnDemand -mode incremental1 -load high
On the SQL Server Agent Jobs for the FULL / Differential Backup add another job step to trigger the DB Backup of flat files to the Tape Media by calling the DOS batch file appropriately.
Omnib usage
Usage synopsis: omnib -version | -help omnib -filesystem Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice [Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [General options] [Filesystem options] [-public] omnib -filesystem Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice -ndmp Type [NDMP options] [-public] omnib -winfs Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice [Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [General options] [Filesystem options] [Winfs options] [-public] omnib -winfs Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice -iap [General options] [Filesystem options] [Winfs options] [-public] omnib -NetWare Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice [[Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [NetWare options] [General options] [Filesystem options] [-public] omnib -host HostName:/ Label -device LogicalDevice [Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [General options] [Filesystem options] [-public] [-storedrim] omnib -rawdisk Host Label SectionList -device LogicalDevice [Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [General options] [-public] omnib -omnidb Host:MountPoint Label -device LogicalDevice [Mirror options]...[Mirror options] [General options] omnib -restart SessionID [-disk_only] omnib -datalist Name [Datalist options] omnib -resume SessionID [-no_monitor] omnib -sap_list ListName [-barmode SapMode] [List options] omnib -sapdb_list ListName [-barmode SapDBMode] [List options] omnib -oracle8_list ListName [-barmode Oracle8Mode] [List options] omnib -sybase_list ListName [-barmode SybaseMode] [List options] omnib -informix_list ListName [-barmode InformixMode] [List options] omnib -mssql_list ListName [-barmode MSSQLMode] [List options] omnib -msese_list ListName [-barmode MSExchangeMode] [List options] omnib -e2010_list ListName [-barmode MSExchange2010Mode] omnib -lotus_list ListName [-barmode LotusMode] [List options] omnib -msvssw_list ListName [-barmode VSSMode] [List options] omnib -mbx_list ListName [-barmode MSMailboxMode] [List options] omnib -vmware_list ListName [-barmode VMwareMode] [List options] omnib -db2_list ListName [-barmode Db2Mode] [List options] omnib -mssps_list ListName [-barmode MSSPSMode] [List options] omnib -mssharepoint_list ListName [-barmode MSSharePointMode] omnib -veagent_list ListName [-barmode VEPAMode] Filesystem options: -trees TreeList -only MatchPattern -exclude TreeList -skip MatchPattern -lock -touch -[no_]log | -log_dirs | -log_file -mode {full | incremental | incremental1 ... | incremental9} -enh_incr -clp -[no_]hlink -size FromRange ToRange Winfs options: -no_share_[info] -[no_]nthlinks -[no_]archatt -vss {fallback | no_fallback} -no_vss -[no_]async Mirror options: -mirror LogicalDevice [-pool MediaPool -prealloc MediaList] General options: -preview -pool MediaPool -prealloc MediaList -protect {none | weeks n | days n | until Date | permanent} -report {warning | minor | major | critical} -pre_exec Pathname -post_exec Pathname -compress -encode ["aes256"] -load {low | medium | high} -crc -no_monitor -keepcatalog {weeks n | days n | until Date} -var[iable] <var_name> <var_value> Datalist options: -select SelectList -mode {full | incremental | incremental1 ... | incremental9} -protect {none | weeks n | days n | until Date | permanent } -keepcatalog {weeks n | days n | until Date} -preview -load {low | medium | high} -disk_only -crc -no_monitor List options: -barcmnd Command -protect {none | weeks n | days n | until Date | permanent} -keepcatalog {weeks n | days n | until Date} -load {low | medium | high} -disk_only -crc -no_monitor -test_bar NetWare options: -[no_]NWuncompress NDMP options: -ndmp_user UserName -ndmp_passwd Password -ndmp_env FileName -ndmp_bkptype {dump | NVB | SMTape} Type = { Generic | NetApp | Celerra | BlueArc | Hitachi | HP-X9000 } SapMode = { full | incr } SapDBMode = { full | diff | trans } Oracle8Mode = { -full | -incr1 | -incr2 | -incr3 | -incr4 } SybaseMode = { full | trans } InformixMode = { full | inf_incr1 | inf_incr2 } MSSQLMode = { full | diff | trans } MSExchangeMode = { full | incr } MSExchange2010Mode = { full | diff | incr | copy } LotusMode = { -full | -incremental } MSMailboxMode = { -full | -incr | -incr1} VMwareMode = { full | diff | incr} VSSMode = { full | copy | incr | diff} Db2Mode = { -full | -incr | -delta} MSSPSMode = { full | diff | trans } MSSharePointMode = { full | diff | incr } VEPAMode = { full | diff | incr } Date = [YY]YY/MM/DD (1969 < [YY]YY < 2038) |